Another topic discussed on our recent podcast: The e-discovery industry is active with new opportunities, mergers, acquisitions and not immune from the post-pandemic departure of employees. Recently, David and I discussed how one of the industry\’s challenges is a skills mismatch where the potential pool of employees does not necessarily have all of the required skills in the job description. However, project managers and salespeople from other industries have transferrable skills that can be useful in e-discovery roles. The key to successful onboarding of new employees is in how they\’re trained beyond Day One. A recent survey observed that 25% of new employees who participate in a company onboarding process do not actually participate in any actionable learning but rather it\’s focused on company information or HR and payroll information. Project managers and salespeople need access to subject matter experts right away to contextualize their roles within the company. E-Discovery vendors or service providers can take advantage of innovative training and development ideas like sending small bits of content via interactive text messaging systems. A short video modeling a sales pitch or how to access the company learning management system or a text with a link to the EDRM website are excellent examples of ongoing training resources. No one wants a demotivated new team member trying to manage client projects with a lack of clear expectations. Subject matter experts are now accessible to remote teams through short video clips or messages to new team members that can be repurposed into long-form training modules in the LMS. Developing quick, straightforward training content for just-in-time or on-the-job training allows vendors to be flexible during a time with so much uncertainty.
Here is a link to listen to the entire podcast, including this topic and several more:
Content Contributor:
Erika Santiago
Executive Recruiter, Legal Tech Talent Network
Training Consultant, Learn About E-Discovery